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  • Writer's pictureMaxine Ruiz

5 Expert Tips for Mastering the Management of Virtual Teams in 2024

With the number of remote workers on the rise, knowing how to effectively manage a virtual team has become one of the key components of company success. Avoiding high rates of burnout and turnover is key, as they cost billions in lost productivity. 

One of the ways to reclaim these losses is to focus on redefining the rules for virtual work.

In this article, we’ll explore a series of tried-and-true strategies for creating a productive virtual workplace ecosystem in 2024. If you’re an HR manager or business executive in charge of off-site teams, this is the one for you!

A woman working from home in a videocall with many people

Decoding a Virtual Team

What’s a virtual team – and how does it operate?

A common definition of a virtual team is one that primarily conducts work remotely using one or several digital platforms. Team members are situated in different locations – locally, regionally, or even globally – and collaborate through telecommunication technology.

In this context, digital tools and virtual technology are essential for the smooth operation of a remote team and are a primary responsibility for successful team leaders. With high-quality online technology, teamwork and project tracking become significantly easier and more cost-effective.

According to a 2023 survey by Forbes Advisor, the average employee spends around 20 hours per week using digital communication tools. In other words, having access to reliable technology is crucial for fostering effective collaboration and connectivity.

Here are the key factors that identify a virtual team:

  • Communication primarily occurs via online platforms and systems.

  • The team often includes employees from various parts of the world, although this is not always the case.

  • Mixed teams may include both on-site and remote workers.

  • The team relies heavily on digital communication tools.

An illustration of four different people each on their computer, working remotely

The Challenge of Managing a Virtual Team

These days, it is hard to find a workplace that doesn’t have some sort of hybrid or remote model. Working remotely has become, if not a priority, then certainly a desire for an overwhelming majority of workers.

In a recent Gallup study, 6 in 10 participants with remote-capable jobs wanted a hybrid work arrangement. About one-third preferred fully remote work, and less than 10 percent wanted to continue working on-site.

Companies have also become more aware of the many benefits of having remote teams. Some of these are:     

  • Access to a wider pool of talent

  • Lower overhead costs

  • Ability to tap into global markets

  • Lower employee turnover

  • Reduced need for office space, which equals reduced costs (including scalability without the need for additional office space).

A man is talking to the camera on a videocall

Remote work can be a win-win deal for both workers and employers – but it doesn’t come without challenges. We’ll dive into that next! 

In the meantime, if you’re curious about the remote work culture, check out our blog post about it here!

How to Manage Virtual Teams in the Current Digital Landscape

Remote teams can be tricky to manage. There’s the multiple time zone issue and the disparity of communication technologies that need to be on par. Employee engagement can also become a hurdle when your remote team isn’t performing at the rate you had imagined.

Still, when managed correctly, virtual teams can unlock a whole new level of potential. 

Below are some expert strategies that leaders and managers can utilize to help keep remote workers engaged and productive.

1. Allow Flexible Work Hours

Maybe you’re thinking, don’t remote workers already have all the flexibility they need? Yes, and then, perhaps not so much. 

If your team is made up of workers from different parts of the world, expecting them to log on at the same time and work the same hours can become a problem. 

There’s a common misconception that working from home is the same as being on a permanent vacation. Statistics show that a whopping 86% of remote employees who work full-time from home experience burnout. This is often due to the fact that their work-life balance is completely out of whack.

A man working from home is interrupted by her daughter, both smiling

Many remote workers don’t have the same opportunity to change environments or leave work behind at the end of the day as on-site employees do. Their professional and personal lives play out in the same space under the same roof (unless they’re in an outsourced coworking space).

Flexible working hours allow everyone to work at their own pace, taking breaks as needed. This leads to a healthier state of mind, a more productive and creative mindset, and a more engaged team. 

According to recent Gallup data, managers alone determine 70% of the variance in team engagement. Let’s think about that for a moment. The same study also determined that 75% of employees believe flexibility increases work engagement and productivity.

2. Efficient Virtual Check-Ins

The power of regular team meetings applies not only to in-house teams but also to virtual teams. That said, some of these meetings can end up wasting a fair amount of time. 

According to Microsoft research, the biggest productivity disruptor for most workers is inefficient meetings. Making sure that your team meetings are effective and concise is absolutely critical. 

3. Employee Recognition Fuels (Virtual) Engagement

This is a principle that is valid both for in-house and remote teams. Employee recognition is one of the most powerful tools for keeping your workforce engaged and productive.

For most virtual workers, working remotely can feel disconnected, so celebrating important milestones is key. If you feel like your team’s motivation is starting to dwindle, it might be a good time to bring out some inspiring rewards – like a virtual team celebration, a surprise gift card delivery, or a certificate of achievement.

A man in the office is looking to the camera and clapping, while on a videocall

4. Be Clear on Tasks and Goals

One of the main elements of managing virtual teams is to clearly communicate expectations around goals, tasks, and team roles. Beyond the weekly team meeting, small, regular reminders, or a quick drop-by can be extremely effective for keeping the team on course.

Be sure to let your team members know in advance when you plan to check in with them individually. Pin the next report deadline, address any issues that might have come up, and make adjustments to roles and tasks as needed.

5. Cultivate a Virtual Workplace Culture

One of the things that remote workers miss the most is the teamwork culture that offers a sense of belonging. Recreating that in-house workplace vibe can be tricky, but there are ways to create a positive virtual workplace culture by getting creative with digital communication tools.

Here are some ideas:

  • Hosting virtual after-work game nights.

  • Hosting an online group yoga class in the morning.

  • Arranging a monthly on-site lunch at the company or a restaurant (if your team members are located in the same city but work from home).

  • Organizing virtual coffee breaks or "water cooler" chats for informal conversations.

  • Establishing a virtual mentorship program for new hires or junior team members.

A woman practicing yoga at home, with her laptop in a call with many other yoga practitioners

The Future of Work is Virtual

There’s an array of benefits that come with a virtual work culture – both for employers and employees. Without the need to rent a large office space, your company can save a lot of money every year. No longer limited to geography, you can tap into an endless pool of talent that can drive the company right into the future.

Cultivating a productive virtual team takes time and dedication. Focusing on the right strategies and making sure that the best communication tools are available to your team goes a long way in mastering virtual team management.

Good luck in your endeavor to create a powerful virtual team in 2024!


An illustration of a man for GoGift

About GoGift

GoGift, a leading global provider of gift card solutions, specializes in offering innovative and versatile gift card services to over 15.000 corporate clients worldwide. With a commitment to simplifying the gift-giving process, GoGift provides a broad range of gift card options from numerous popular brands, catering to a diverse array of tastes and preferences. Their services are designed to enhance the gifting experience, making it more convenient, personal, and enjoyable for both the giver and the recipient.

For more detailed information about GoGift, please visit their official website:

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