This month, GoGift was represented at the HR Forum in Oslo, where our very own director of sales, Charlotte Münchenberg, and key account manager, Thomas Bredager, met Norway’s HR professionals.

It’s no big surprise that HR employees have been running extra fast during the Covid-19 pandemic – having co-workers adjusting to new online work practices, assisting in providing the best working-from-home work conditions for everyone, arranging endless online meetings etc. The list is long, and undoubtedly, companies have faced both challenges and innovation thanks to Corona.
On the back of these challenges and adjustments, the HR Forum in Oslo was an excellent place for everyone working with people and companies to meet and exchange experiences – both the good and the less good ones.
Also, this conference was everyone’s chance to discuss how to rediscover – and perhaps reinvent – company culture and organisational affiliation.
In the light of Corona, it now seems clearer than ever that gifts have proven to be a great way of acknowledging, rewarding, praising, motivating, and/or replacing company events that sadly ended up being cancelled. In other words, it’s a great way of thanking your co-workers for adjusting, adapting, coping, being patient, helping out, and not least for contributing to co-creating new ways of working and to a reinvented corporate culture.