The answer is actually an easy one:
By incentivizing other people's time, you motivate them to participate in your study.

Simple as that. And it makes sense, doesn't it? We all know that time is money – that time is valuable. Let’s be honest, why would someone spend valuable time responding to your survey when they could be doing something else?
That’s why motivating people with a reward to participate in your survey can be a good idea to ensure you get the data you want. Both in terms of quantity AND quality. In return for someone's valuable time, a reward for their time spent on research participation could to, a large extent, encourage people to:
First and foremost, decide to take part in the survey
Provide proper responses
Complete the survey
Make them return and participate in future surveys
So why not use an all-in-one incentive for your participants to boost your success?
The Global Gift Card makes an excellent motivational tool for research and survey participants. (Not surprising that this is our suggestion!) But think about it: The Global Gift Card matches any audience across interests, genders, ages, and ethnicities. Not to mention, ´The Global Gift Card doesn't limit you in terms of respondents' nationalities, as it can be given from one country and redeemed from another. It’s the all-in-one incentive that works cross-border, cross-currency. And you can, of course, adjust the value according to the comprehensiveness of your study.
All in all:
Empower participants to complete a survey with accurate and useful responses by incentivizing them with a universal gift card. The Global Gift Card will help you boost success and obtain the quality data you need by getting more respondents and yielding validity and solid conclusions.